Wednesday, January 22, 2014

States of Matter and Intermolecular Forces

Activity 6

1. The equation to convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin is:     ºK = (ºF - 32/1.80) + 273.15

  • 0 F = 255.37 K
  • 32 F = 273.15 K
  • 70 F = 294.26 K
  • 212 F = 373.15 K
2. This is the worksheet by Kelly Vaughan on the States of Matter Simulation:


3. In the simulation when the water molecules are at the absolute zero (0 K), most of the molecules are aligned in the same way. The hydrogen molecules and oxygen molecules are attracted to each other.
4. In order to make oxygen change phases from a gas to a liquid, a pressure and temperature you must reach is 5 ATM and 94 K.
5. C.4.2 Use the science content being learned to ask questions, plan investigations, make observations, make predictions, and offer explanations
  • This standard is appropriate because the worksheet allows students to make a hypothesis, conduct experiments, and collect data to make conclusions.
D.4.3: Understand that substances can exist in different states - solid, liquid, gas
  • This standard is perfect for this activity because it describes the understanding of the different states of matter. After this activity, students should be able to comprehend that temperature affects the state of matter for all elements and compounds from liquid water to gases.


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